Game Flayer from 15/02/2025 > Latest Deals & Offers


Game Flayer

Amazing Deals Game Catalogue Offers You!

Actual brochure

Game offers the lowest prices for goods ranging from household electronics and game consoles to processed food products. They remain unrivaled in the country when it comes to low prices and attractive offers. Its online website offers one of the fastest and most efficient door delivery systems in the country, which is why Game Flyers are really popular in Nigeria.

The Game catalogue can be found in the periodic Game flyer, here. Provides weekly updates about the latest Game offers and promo events taking place. This also includes the yearly “Easter-cation” sales, which begins from 15/02/2025 that offers customers mouth-watering prices on all goods in stock. Please visit the Game official website,, for information on the latest Game offers and promos.

Game Deals: The Kings of Discount Offers


Game stores, originally known as the Rhino Group, was established by Terry Norris and Bev Ripley in 1992. After a series of mergers and acquisitions in the 1990s, Rhino Group went on to be rebranded into the current brand Game Group. Its continued expansion afterwards has been through the acquisition of several retailing outlets all over the world. However, in 2019, Game Digital was acquired and taken over by the Frasers Group. Addide, CMart Supermarket, Justrite, Prince Ebeano Supermarket, Shoprite, Spar, Supermart and Walmart are some of its direct competitors whose business model and goods sold are quite similar.

Game stores have physical stores in Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja, Ibadan and Enugu. These stores, however few, are available to the rest of the country through their website,, which offers nationwide door delivery at a most affordable price. Games stores are usually open for businessfrom 8 am to 10 pm from Monday to Friday, and 9 am to 9 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Their official website,, offers ample information on Game flyers, Game - Catalogue (here), operating hours as well as their various stores’ locations.

Game Catalogue of Goods for Sale


Game catalogue online usually cover a wide range of goods to give customers a variety of products to choose from. These categories of products for sale include Supermarket (this category includes food products as well as wine, spirits, and beers), Computing (this category involves desktops, data storage devices, and computer accessories),Electronics (involves TVs and video devices, home audio devices as well as generators and other portable power devices), and Gaming (various products of gaming consoles are found here).

Despite being in tight competition with stores like Addide, CMart Supermarket, Justrite, Prince Ebeano Supermarket, Shoprite, Spar, Supermart and Walmart, Game continues to thrive above them because of its extremely low prices especially in the area of Groceries. Please feel free to refer and subscribe to Game’s weekly flyer, Game - Catalogue, for more information on Game catalogues.

Kimbino! Producers of Green Game Leaflets!

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Kimbino is a truly amazing and unique brand that values quality, customer satisfaction, and environmental friendliness above all else. So be like Game and patronize Kimbino today by visiting and be rest assured of the quality leaflets produced to be environment-friendly and keep both the customers and planet smiling and green!

Also feel free to visit our Kimbino website,, where you will find out much more information on our services and our current clients.


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